Been A While

It has been a while since my last post. An incredible year filled with ups and downs, but mostly ups.

Amazon ended up not being the dream employer I had imagined. I found the work challenging and engaging, but massive layoff rounds combined with threats to return to a physical office which would require relocation really made it hard to square with their mantra of “World’s Greatest Employer®”.

During the chaos a new opportunity arose at Mozilla. I took a position as a Senior Site Reliability Engineer overseeing the Apple infrastructure used for Firefox CI and performance testing.

I was somewhat reluctant to get back into the MacAdmin space but I soon discovered it would be unlike any role I had previously. I am enjoying seeing how the software “sausage” is made and am proud of my contributions to the team thus far.

On a personal note, my wife and I brought our second daughter into the world in February. It’s no exaggeration when I say that I feel as if I am the most blessed person on the planet.